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Simple Calculator

This is one of the assignment given to me during my first year of my course. Hence, i was assigned to program a simple calculator. During this assignment, i have chosen to use a double input instead of a float input since a double can support up to 15 digits while float can only support up to 7 digits. Making a double an suitable choice due to its accuracy.  To accommodate the 5 conditions, i have chosen to use a switch statement in which it can support up to 3 conditions. Therefore, this application cause support up to 5 equations, simple ones such as addition and subtraction and advanced ones such as modulus.  I've also used exception handling such as catch to handle errors such as format exception so that my application display the error the user has made.

Price is Right Demo

Here's one of projects that created during my first year, in which i created a price guessing game. In this price guessing game, the player has to guess the price of an item in which the player has correctly guess the price of the item ranging from 1 to 100.  The console will display whether the price is too high, too low or just right. Hence, i utilized go-to statements for each of my if  statement. Hence, if the player guessing price is higher than the actual price, it will initiate the TooHigh function in which the console will display the that the price is too high.

GIT Demo

In this video, I demonstrate the basics of using of GIT. GIT is an system used to track changes to the source code and edit them. Hence, it used among programmers in organizing their work.  As shown the video, i used git to create a folder and a text file. I made some adjustment to the text file using the text editor. Hence, i saved adjustment by committing  it in the system.

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